Monday, February 2, 2015

Photography Class #3: Working on Compensation

We spent a good chunk of the class scrutinizing and interacting with our homework from last week.  One thing I learned from this, is that what I thought were good diagonals could be improved upon!

This was one picture I submitted for homework last week:

As I mentioned before, the above picture was taken at a dog park.  I liked the action of them running and I left space to the left so as to imply motion (to give them a space to run into as it were).  And, I thought the foot and snout of the first dog, combined with the ears of the second dog "implied" a diagonal.  But our teacher and other students helps me to see what might have made a better picture:

In the above picture, I cropped it so that the left dogs foot begins the diagonal in the bottom left corner and then you follow his snout up to the second dogs ears.  As well, I lightened up the picture.  He also mentioned that it would be best to have the right dog in full view.   His said by doing the picture as I did above it not just satisfies the idea of diagonals but also helps with another composition technique of filling the frame.

Which one do you prefer?


  1. I think the first picture, allowing space on the left, creates the impression of motion better than the second picture.

  2. This is not to say the second picture isn't more pleasing. :)

  3. Thanks honey, I appreciate your feedback! I suppose it's a personal preference. I tend to like the space for what it communicates, but I agree that maybe the zoomed in version may be more pleasing. I guess it depends upon what the person is trying to communicate and for what reason.
