Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Equivalent Exposure

Another thing we learned about tonight was equivalent exposure.  Which basically means that you can derive the same shot by using different aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings.  Here are three examples of the same picture but with dramatically different settings.  There are slight differences in terms of the color of the table and the depth of focus, but on the face of it, very close. 

Here are the settings...

f/22, 0.8 sec. shutter speed, 1600 ISO:

f/4, 1/3 second shutter speed, 100 ISO

 f22, 10 second exposure, 100 ISO

So, the point being, there is "more than one way to skin a cat."  (That really is a horrible expression, but you know what I mean.)  If you look closely, there will be differences but by changing the different aspects you can achieve similar pictures - you just need to have the proper amount of light and there are different ways of achieving that. 

Here is a helpful link, with a quiz, if you want more information.

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