Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Things You Eye Doesn't Perceive: Class #7

Our task for Class #7 was to photograph things your eye doesn't perceive. Here were my submissions...

The other day at "the farm" this swing was being whipped around by the wind.  I liked capturing the motion

I don't know if you can see this or not, but Addie was rolling a yo-yo that illuminates when it drops.  I was trying to capture the "dropping illumination."

 Same idea here...

The reason I like this is because if you look closely, in the ball you see both my piano and Addie sitting there having just spun the thing-a-ma-jig.

Addie was playing the piano by running her finger down the keyboard trying to capture the motion of the keys hammering.

Nice Timing!

One other thing that struck me from the class is when shooting manually,from a clean exposure you move the aperture the same number of clicks as you do the shutter speed to obtain an equivalent exposure -- generally.  Each camera may vary and you should experiment with you camera.  But, this helps when trying to shoot in manual quickly!

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